
Carriageworks excursion


French artist Daniel Buren's work (Like Child's Play) is currently exhibiting at Carriageworks. It's a fantastically fun, immersive and nostalgic space to be enjoyed by everyone. I love the fact that the woman handing out the information leaflets was notifying people from the age of 6 to 60, not to play on these architecturally perfect structures. I think she could see in my eyes how much I wanted to climb and play on all the blocks. It took every ounce of restraint not to. I exited this space feeling inspired to play and experiment more with the work I'm currently doing and any future work I engage in.


However, wandering home later that day, I couldn't shake this feeling about the black and white end of the space representing adulthood, and the coloured end representing childhood and adolescence. For me as an adult, I strive to create fun and spontaneous moments. The structure is there inside my head to do so (like the blocks) but these moments don't come so fluently as I get older (hence the lack of colour). There are more consequences when you are older. More responsibilities. But with the coloured blocks, it feels like when I was younger. More care free, vibrant and energetic. Is this sequence of circles (picture below) a tunnel, or a portal, to view ones life through?


Daniel Buren's exhibition has two brilliantly opposing thoughts for me. One of very deep reflection, and another very playful and nostalgic thought. I love when Art moves you to seek answers within and explore different possibilities. I'll do my utmost to stay colourful.

Tim King